Remembering Judy Stouffer
Judy left us on May 18, 2022. It was unexpected and seemed to happen so quickly. She will be sadly missed by all.
She was kind, fun-loving, jovial, happy, and futuristic in her thoughts. She was never selfish. As a matter-of-fact, if she purchased something, she would want to share it with you. She was always thinking of the other person rather than herself. She was a very caring person.
I was introduced to Judy through our family reunions. We were the outlaws of the inlaws. We all had so much fun together, really. And, if you went to her house, you hardly got away without playing a game.
When I was young, my mother would always ask me what I wanted for Christmas. I would instantly tell her “a sister”. A sister was not in my future, but Judy fulfilled that void for me later on in my life. We just clicked.
We could anticipate each other’s move and went places with each other at the drop of a hat. We seemed like sisters so much so that when we were together, we were even told we looked alike!
We began quilting together and helped each other with our projects. She was an excellent quilter and, like all quilters, she liked to shop. Whether it be for fabric or clothing, it always turned into a marathon shopping spree.
Oh, how I wish she was still with us. But since that is not possible, I don’t want to grieve over Judy. She would not want that. I want to be a positive, happy and caring person; just like her. After all, we had a genuine camaraderie, a sisterhood.
Rest in peace Judy. I hope to see you again one day.
Paulette Orndorff